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Crowd Testing User Testing

How can Crowdsourced Testers help you with Continuous Testing?


How can Crowdsourced Testers help you with Continuous Testing?

The continuous testing market is expected to grow from $1.15 billion in 2018 to $2.41 billion by 2023. This massive growth demonstrates the increasing demand for continuous testing and timely software delivery.

Enterprises are adopting continuous testing practices to upgrade their products by using feedback from various stakeholders constantly. Continuous testing also helps reduce the business risks associated with software assets and assists in launching new products quickly.

Read on to learn more about the importance of continuous testing and how crowdtesting can be used to make the process more efficient. We will also cover the benefits of crowdsourced testing and continuous testing and how you can find the best crowd testing platform for your needs.

What Is Continuous Testing?

Continuous testing is a type of software testing wherein the product is tested at every stage of the development life cycle. The goal is to identify and fix bugs as they appear by testing early and frequently.

Unlike traditional testing, where the project has clear development and quality assurance stages, continuous testing involves the software continuously moving from development to testing to deployment.

What Are The Benefits Of Continuous Testing?

  • Better product quality : Continuous testing fully analyses the readability, performance, vulnerabilities, consistency, and other aspects of the code’s quality. This allows the code to be subsequently optimized to assure the optimal functioning of the product. Continuous testing is regarded as crucial to the continuous delivery pipeline since quick feedback is an integral aspect of the DevOps ethos. Through real-time software validation, this, in turn, speeds up the release process for teams, lowers costs, and lowers potential risks in a highly competitive context.


  • Reduction of costs :  Continuous testing removes any bugs and errors early in the dev cycle, saving the company from the entire cost of a defect, making it a more realistic choice to cut costs. Additionally, it can eliminate the need for time-consuming and expensive manual testing. Those who require continuous software delivery and deployment may find this to be advantageous.


  • Increases confidence : The quick and efficient cycle of continuous testing allows the teams to respond to the process of redesigning incrementally. It also gives you the confidence that your product development is headed in the right direction.

Challenges Of Continuous Testing

Continuous testing has three main challenges:

  • Tight deadlines : The testing and QA teams have less time to automate and test because of the tighter release schedule. Many processes have to take place simultaneously, with little room for error.


  • Feedback loops : To incorporate the constant feedback generated from continuous testing, you will require quick and seamless feedback loops. Creating this ongoing communication between different stakeholders and teams can be difficult.


  • Sophisticated testing infrastructure : Round-the-clock testing requires expensive and dedicated resources, which can be challenging to maintain for start-ups and small businesses.

How Can Crowdtesting Help?

If you’re looking for a convenient and reliable method of continuous testing, consider working with crowd testing companies. They offer a powerful combination of continuous testing coupled with user assessment from a targeted and relevant user base. Continuous testing today is all about crowd test automation.

Crowdsourced application testing gathers feedback from your real audience and helps you to develop products while receiving continuous input from user data. Crowdtest automation gives you data about how the product is used, how is the interface navigation works, which features are more liked by users, etc. It covers wide provincial usability.

A crowdtesting platform offers diverse testing like application testing, security testing, and compatibility testing to help you identify glitches and bugs in the primary interface.

Scaling testing capabilities is a significant struggle faced by many businesses. While there has been tremendous progress in the fields of continuous testing and test automation, it is still not possible to automate all quality assurance tests. Finding suitable testers and software engineers to script such tests is also challenging. Instead of having to hire individual resources and research the best crowd testing tools, you can simply outsource the task to a crowd testing company, such as Oprimes.

Oprimes Crowdtesting Model

Oprimes offers a unique crowd test automation platform for your continuous testing needs. Our army of expert testers has access to multiple devices and platforms and ready-to-use test cases to help give you a thorough insight into your product’s user experience. We combine the best crowdsourced talent with state-of-the-art automation to provide you with the highest level of QA on a continuous basis.

Our crowdsourced testing is conducted in sync with your product’s development cycle, making sure you can fix bugs at every stage.

Over the last five years, we’ve helped startups and large enterprises such as PhonePe and HDFC Bank deliver bestselling apps. So sign up with Oprimes today and let us help you launch a bug-free product that you’re confident in.
