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The oprimes Story – The Now And The Next


The oprimes Story – The Now And The Next

oprimes: An open community where each member is a unique prime yet boundless.

Dear Testers,

Thank you for being a part of oprimes – one of the fastest growing testing communities across the globe. Today, the oprimes tester network is spread across 6 continents and is adding new regions and demographics each day.

The oprimes network includes:

  • a professional tester in UK with over 18 years of experience
  • an American cab driver moonlighting as android app tester for the last 4 years
  • an Iraqi test-user validating products on Zain operator network
  • an Indian visually-impaired tester specialized in healthcare accessibility

You can engage with oprimes in three modes – as a freelancer, contractor or employee, depending on your interest, performance and available assignments that match your profile.

Why was oprimes created?

oprimes evolved out of two key emerging global trends:

1. Growth of freelance market: we all want to control our work environment

– Choose our projects, work location, working schedule
– Learn new technologies and skill-set at will
– Have a performance driven career growth and earning model

2. Growth of shared services: our customers want to optimize spend without compromising the end result

– Deliver amidst fragmented and open source technologies and platforms
– Maximize focus on localized user experience due to higher consumerization

The digital test centres of 2020 will operate with shared resources that will also include shared talent to achieve unlimited scalability. The key differentiating factor across these ?rms would be the intelligence and agility built on top of these shared resources to align with business needs. oprimes empowers both small and large
firms to gain on-demand access to these global resources.

oprimes offers you a unique journey, where all of you from diverse backgrounds, cultures, languages and lifestyles come together with an urge to improve the quality of life for every person on the globe and while doing so, earn learn and grow!!

Wish you all the best. Let the testing revolution begin!

Founding Team

Oprimes Story

Oprimes Story


Trivia: oprimes – Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots – a team of sentient
mechanical self-configuring modular robotic lifeforms from the planet Cybertron
and the main protagonists in the universe of the Transformers.