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Be a Crowd Tester – Learn, Earn and Grow


Be a Crowd Tester – Learn, Earn and Grow

Everyday numerous company and individuals are building solution using technology (mobile especially) to solve human’s day to day problems (needs sometimes), but to make sure such solution whether in mobile/web platform are free from bugs related issues, they are constantly recruiting for real individual to test via Crowdtesting companies like O-primes.

Therefore, such individual /s are codename as Crowd tester(s):

A Crowdtester (CT) is an individual /s possessing tech & non tech skills with appropriate devices needed to conduct test execution of a new app or a website in staging or production state to reveal not working functionality (bugs issues).

To be engaged to work as a crowd tester, there are certain requirements (skill set) you are to possesses and are stated below:

1) Technical Skills & Passion for Technology: 

A crowd tester should be knowledgeable in app/web development processes, and industry changes that company/ individual are navigating every day. Thus, being a CT, you must have a great understanding how software or app solution works (and how it is developed) and this will give you a significant edge-up and high advantage cut in finding bugs. Understanding how software or app is a crucial and important skill.

Secondly the passion for technology whether new or old, is being shown in the number of device types you possess and the different types of phone hack skills you know i.e., from android phone to iOS (inclusive with tablet devices)

2) ACT (Analytical, Communication & Time Management Skill): 

Companies nowadays are looking for CT in possession of the ACT hard skills.

  • Analytical skills: A crowd tester must have gritted analytical skills, which help break up a complex software system into smaller units to gain a better understanding and submit critical and high functional bug related issues.
  • Communication skill: Many people think of testing as a solitary or small team process that does not involve a great deal of communication with other stakeholders. Product Testing (QA) involves a lot of communication with the project’s major stakeholders and demands excellent communication and persuasion skills. A crowd tester must have good verbal and written communication skills. Test bug report created by the tester should be easy to read and comprehend. Dealing with TL’s & CM (in the event of bugs or any other issue) will require a shade of discreetness and diplomacy.
  • Time Management: a crowd tester must efficiently manage workload, have high productivity and exhibit optimal time management in relation to test case & bug due date submission.
3) A Positive Attitude toward Bug Rejection: 

Not all bugs you submitted though valid from your own perspective will be accepted either by the TL, CM or Customer (owner). Therefore, when this kind of event occurs, you just have to be positive toward it, by using the following techniques;

  • Be sad a little as human but never allow your sadness cloud your sense of reasoning , that you will want to begin to believe you aren’t good enough to be a Crowdtester.
  • Do not dispute using the “angry way”, rather ask or read comment notes why it was rejected, think through their reason, and if you find that it is true, accept & thank them and move. That way you will have learned why some bugs are rejected. But in some cases you are still allowed to dispute, but do it in a civil manner , with no indisputable reasons why you think the bug is valid. Sometimes there is a great chance of your bug being accepted since you have provided a double-check note.
4) Learn from other CT’s: 

For you to become better as you climb the ladder of bug hunting as a crowd tester, you have to learn how other testers who are the better, by watching their submitted screens cast to know how they find, read through their bug report note to see what a bug report should be and learn to be better.

5) Be honest and Report if you “transgress a test instruction” to TL’s/ customer care unit: 

The issue of honesty is a must have for every CT’s in the case where you are asked not to order or complete a checkout in a test run, and you did as per human errors or test instructions weren’t read to a full understanding of test do’s & don’t. Thus, it is compulsory to report yourself while promising to abide by test instruction for future test execution.

6) The other factual tips are:
  • Do not accept an invite unless you are in clear possession of the required devices for testing.
  • Always make sure to read and read test instructions for full understanding of test cases to be and bugs type to be submitted.
  • Always make sure to be among the first people to claim slots or fill a survey for tester’s compilation.
  • Make sure that your test executions are concluded within the stipulated time. Make sure your bugs report and screencast are readable and well presented.

With the above skill set and do’s, you will find the testing job not only lucrative but also be a part of an interesting gig workforce.

Written by Kehinde Ojo