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Software Testing

Glossary of Terminologies in Quality Assurance


Glossary of Terminologies in Quality Assurance

  • Artifacts – A files created or used during the testing, like logs, images, documents etc.,

  • Automation Testing – A type of automated testing performed using some software tools to ensure actual and expected results are matching.

  • Accessibility – Ensuring that an application is accessible to the people having disabilities (color blindness, hard of hearing etc.

  • Alpha Testing – A type of testing performed to identify bugs before the product is released for real users.

  • AdHoc Testing- An unplanned random testing performed to explore and break the application without the product knowledge.

  • Agile methodology – An incremental approach to manage a project by diving into multiple phases.

  • API Testing – A type of testing which is performed to test applications interface to validate if it meets the expectations.


  • Bug – A defect identified by the tester during testing, which is accepted by the development team.

  • Beta testing – A type of testing performed on an application by real users for end user validations.

  • Block box testing – A type of testing that is performed without the access to source code of the application.


  • Crash logs – Logs that are generated during any crash observed in the native application due to code break.

  • Compatibility testing – A type of testing performed to verify if the application is capable of running on various platforms, devices, browsers etc.

  • Crowd Testing – An outsourced model providing access to their services and product for a group of voluntary users (Testers) with related skill sets to contribute by testing the applications.

  • Defect – The deviation between the actual and expected output.

  • Debugging – The process of identifying and correcting the existing errors in an application under test.

  • Deliverables – All the necessary aspects of project delivery as per contract and includes agreed changes.



  • Exploratory – A type of testing where the tester explores an application to identify and document the defects.

  • Error – A mistake in coding.


  • Functional Testing – Testing performed to verify the potential aspects of the application.

  • Failure – If the application does not meet the expected requirements, then it is termed as failure.

  • Fault – Condition that causes system or software failure. 


  • Guided Exploratory – A reference document-based testing process to verify an application to assess the functionality of the features that are in scope for testing.

  • Gray box testing – A combination of black and white box testing types, to verify how input affects the required output of an application. 


  • High level test scenarios – A document that consists of high-level business critical scenarios to execute for the application in test.

  • Human Error – A mistake resulting from insufficient knowledge of application, skill sets, incorrect installation, or negligence.


  • Issue – Error or flaw that is observed in an application that needs to be resolved.

  • Integration Testing – Testing the application end to end after combining the units or components.


  • Jira – A project management tool for managing projects across multiple teams. 


  • Known Error – An error for which is already known for which a temporary or permanent alternative has been defined.

  • Kick – off Meeting – A meeting conducted before the start of a project to determine and finalize the scope, goals, and objectives of the project.


  • Localization Testing – A type of testing, which is designed for a specific locality, to verify functional support for that locale.

  • Load Testing – A type of testing an application by inserting heavy load to verify if it handles a huge amount of data.



  • Multi Device Testing – Testing an application on multiple devices to verify the behavior on different screens, platforms, and operating systems.

  • Manual Testing – A testing type where testers test an application manually.

  • Mobile application testing – Testing an application on a mobile device, to verify its usability and functionality.


  • Non-Functional Testing – Testing the application for its non-functional requirements like the behavior of the system, performance, and reliability.

  • Negative Testing – Testing any application to verify how it behaves for random and unexpected inputs.


  • O-primes – India’s largest UX and Quality assurance SaaS Platform.

  • Out of Scope – The features or issues that are not included in the current release / build for testing.

  • Outcome – The results after a test that has been executed.


  • Priority – Anything that should be resolved or taken care of immediately.

  • Performance testing – A testing type which is used to determine if the application meets the performance requirements like page load, responsiveness, or occurrence.

  • POC – Proof of concept, a document in which the actual idea, concept and solution is showcased as a proof.

  • Production Environment – Using an application other than the development environment. It’s also called live. 


  • Quality Assurance – A process to verify if the software or application is of precise level of quality.

  • Quality Control – A technique used to verify the quality of requirements.


  • Regression Testing – A testing type to verify that the new functionality is not affecting the current features of the application.

  • Release – A version of an application has been tested completely and is ready to be released to the customers.

  • Retest – Testing a particular functionality again and again to verify their correctness.


  • Sanity Testing – A type of testing performed to verify if the major functionality of the application is working as expected.

  • Scope of Testing – The features or functionalities that are included in the current test build or project.

  • Severity – Keyword used to determine the impact of any issue in the application.


  • Test Case – A document containing a defined set of steps to be executed to verify the flow or features of the application while testing.

  • Test Scenario – A document which describes the details of objectives that a user must verify during testing.

  • Test Coverage – The total number of devices, OS, OEM, platforms, bugs, and browsers etc that are achieved after execution of the test cycle.

  • Test Data – The set of inputs used during testing an application.


  • Unit Testing – A type of testing which is used to verify the smallest modules of an application, individually.

  • Use Case – A document consisting of requirements written in sequence.

  • Usability Testing – A testing type used to verify how good is the application to use.

  • User Acceptance testing – A testing type performed by end users before the delivery.


  • Verification – A process of verifying if the correct product has been built.

  • Validation – A process of verifying if the product is built correctly.

  • Volume Testing – Testing to verify how an application behaves with a large volume of data.



  • Walkthrough – A team meeting, in which the design and requirements are presented to the team members for understanding.

  • White box testing – A type of testing that is performed with the access to source code of the application.

  • Web application testing – Testing an application on the web browsers to verify its usability and functionality.
